South Pasadena Open House FlyerOn September 16th from 10:00am to 3:00pm, the South Pasadena Police Department will be hosting its 8th Annual Open House. In conjunction with the South Pasadena Fire Department, each department will open their doors to the public for a day of education and fun.

Events scheduled for the day will include, but not be limited to, helicopter landings, police canine demonstrations, free child fingerprinting and photographs, police and fire demonstrations and much more. The Cruz’n for Roses Hot Rod and Classic Car Show will also be held in conjunction with the Clean Air Car Show and Green-Living Expo on the same date and time. Please join us for this fun and informative community event.

Photos from the 2011 event:

For more information, please visit:

Or call:

Sources: South Pasadena Police Department
and the City of South Pasadena