On July 22, 2012 Members of the Southern California Monitoring Association (SCMA) were invited to tour the Los Angeles Police Department’s Air Support Division at the Hooper Heliport on the roof of the Piper Technical Center in downtown Los Angeles.
The tour was led by SCMA Members Lance Ordin (who is a Reserve with LAPD Air Support) and Terri Lincoln (who was the first female helicopter pilot and instructor for the LAPD). After 28 years with the LAPD and being named LAPD Officer of the Year, Terri retired, but was asked by then Chief William Bratton to return as a Reserve Officer with Air Support, a position she enjoys today.
The SCMA thanks the Men and Women of the LAPD and, especially, Air Support Division and the Air Support Angels Foundation. It was a great tour!
You can be a contributor to the safety of your community by donating to the Air Support Angel’s Foundation at www.LAPDairsupport.com and www.airsupportangelsfoundation.org